Business Plan and Methodology


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Value Added Services & Activities


With the advent of “out-sourcing valuations models” since the turn of the century, by the financial and regulatory institutions, the country has lost the “on-the-job” training grounds essential for Candidate Valuers to finish off their academical training and acquire the necessary practical experience required to be a complete professional Valuer.

Valquest has identified this gap and offers on-the-job practical training to Candidate Valuers. This programme is offered for a duration up to 6 months, agreed upon with current employers of the Candidates.

Client Engagement Plan

To be available 24/7 and to provide valuation reports in accordance with its requirements and in terms of the SLA with the client.

Valquest will do so to the best of its ability adhering to the latest international valuation standards.

Although stated under Geographical Coverage above that the primary engagement area is Gauteng and immediate cities / towns, Valquest will undertake work in all provinces of South Africa and in most countries in Africa that it has working experience in, as well as some western and central European countries.



Professional indemnity insurance for each valuation personnel employed up to the amount of R40,000,000.

Property Market Update

Valquest provides its clients with a bi-annual report on the property market.



Valquest have also provided the following services at no charge to the industry:

Lectured to students at the compulsory practical work-school which takes place annually on:

  • Shopping centres, (F Thevenau)
  • Township development, (A W Vallun)
  • Income Capitalisation approach, (A W Vallun)
  • Discounted cashflows approach, (A W Vallun)

Assisted the Tshwane University of Technology with content for some of the lectures/courses, (F Thevenau)

Served as External examiner for the MSC Real Estate course at University of Pretoria–valuation 801 and 802 (M Groenewald)

Presented to SAIV seminars the following:

  • SAIV income model, (AW Vallun)
  • Township development approach,(AW Vallun)
  • Income Capitalisation approach,(AW Vallun)
  • Interaction between Property Finance and the Property Valuer (F Thevenau)
  • Energy Saving in Buildings (F Thevenau)